GPVAC ND+IB+IBD is a combined inactivated vaccine for primed chickens for the protection of parents as well as their progeny against Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD).
GPVAC ND+IB+IBD vaccine is recommended as a booster for breeding stocks and layers nearing production and also for the laying breeders to protect their progeny at early days against ND virus, IB virus and IBD virus in poultry.
The vaccine contains inactivated indigenous isolates of ND virus (Strain G-7F), IB virus (Strain Mass-41) and IBD virus (Strain Clone-12), blended in oil-emulsion adjuvant.
The vaccine dose is 0.50 ml per bird to be injected subcutaneously and the recommended vaccination age is 16 to 20 weeks but not less than 4 weeks before onset of lay. For good results, it is desirable that the vaccine is administered at least 4 weeks after the live primer.